Friday 4 April 2008

Daddy, is that Ghana?

The western media think all that makes news in Africa is poverty, hunger, disease, civil war, etc., etc. They report about Africa as if it is one country made up of probably the same kind of people who probably speak the same language. I find news items that refer to an isolated happening in some part of Malawi as a problem in "Africa". For instance, after Madonna's adoption issue, while some were criticising Madonna for allegedly using her celebrity status and influence to speed up the adoption process, there were those making the usually expected comments like, the poor African child will grow up to thank Madonna and his father because that child is one hell of a lucky "African child", who probably would have died from hunger and disease before age five. As if every African child is up for grabs; for adoption by an angel (a whiteman or woman).

Also when Liberia elected her Excellency, Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf as President it was reported like "Africa has also finally seen the light"; the first African woman President has been elected. As if America or Britain has had "twenty" women elected as Head of State. As if this happens every day in the "civilised world". There probably are more top women political officials in my country, Ghana, than in Britain.

I'm not saying negative happenings should not be reported, but it shouldn't be made to look like those negative images and happenings totally tell the story of Africa. The story of Africa is mixed; good and bad, like you find in any part of the world. We have good schools, hospitals, roads, jobs, good and beautiful buildings and neighbourhoods, etc., and I would that western media houses and journalists would find interest in bringing this side of the "coin" also to their audience.

Africa generally receives too much negative media coverage in the so called "civilised" world. I'm from Ghana currently living in the UK with my family. I don't know who put that into my children's head, but anytime there is "them" negative images on TV my kids ask me "Daddy, is that Ghana?"

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