Friday 4 April 2008

Road to the White House: The Girls Behind the Candidates

'Tis often said "behind every successful man is a woman". This saying doesn't hold so true in today's world since there are many successful women whose husbands are not so successful. Can we be right to say, behind every successful woman is a man? I'm not so sure about that.

It's so amazing the role new media platforms like Youtube, Facebook, etc., are playing in the political process. The 2008 US Presidential elections has probably had more than it's fair share of the role ordinary citizens play in the political process. These days it looks to me like behind every American Presidential candidate is a girl (Obama Girl, Giuliani Girl, Clinton Girl, Paul Girl, etc.).

One would expect that since there is a female Presidential candidate in the person of Hillary Clinton, there would be at least a political boy (Clinton Boy) to root for her. Youtube, for instance, is awash with these political girls rooting for various Presidential candidates with music videos, etc. Below is a video that gives one a peek into how the girls are contributing to the 2008 US Presidential debate. There are loads more.

Unfortunately for the Giuliani Girl, her man is now out of the race; having failed to secure the votes to contest the Presidential seat on behalf of the Republicans.

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